Facts and Figures

9 billion Euros
have been invested in the complex since 1990.
1,300 hectares
is the area of the Leuna Chemical Complex - that is approximately 1,820 football pitches.
More than 12,000 employees
operated at the Leuna Chemical Complex.
12 million tons
of goods are produced annually on the complex.
70 percent
of the produced goods leave the complex by rail.
600 kilometers
of a pipeline network within the complex ensures efficient logistics between companies on site.
280,000 tank cars
are shunted annually on the complex - parked end to end, they would form a train from Leuna to Novosibirsk (4,480 km).
5,000 vehicles
travel daily through the complex.
95 percent
is the average reduction of the environmental impact at the Leuna Chemical Complex since 1989.
15 emergency vehicles
are available to the InfraLeuna fire brigade.
20 kilometers pipe racks
operated by InfraLeuna.
41 young people
are doing an apprenticeship within InfraLeuna.
40 kilometers road network on the Complex
– approximately the same length as a marathon.
40 hectares of industrial land
are available for new investments.
90 kilometers of Rail network within the Complex
linking the chemical companies on the Complex to the national rail network.
778 employees
working at InfraLeuna.
15,000 cubic meters of water per hour from the river Saale
can be processed to freshwater quality in the InfraLeuna water treatment plant.
300,000 inhabitants
– would be the theoretical size of a city which the InfraLeuna biological waste water treatment plant could process.
330,000 households
could have their energy needs met from the InfraLeuna power generation plants.
8,000,000 tons of goods
are transported annually - circa 400,000 truckloads.
435,000,000 EUR turnover
were generated by the InfraLeuna-group in 2021.
500,000,000 Euro
has been invested by InfraLeuna in the infrastructure over the past twenty years.